Lucas Lemos.
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JWTs, JSON Web Tokens or Tokens, you know them by a lot of names, but in this article we are going to depict them in detail and show you how they work and what is the code to generate them like

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What is lithography?
Did you ever thought about how processors are made? Or how does it work inside? Today I will try to explain a little of these topics for you and speak about lithography, which is one of the concepts present in the making of all CPUs today.

Cryptographic Hash Functions
In this article we will talk a little bit about cryptography focused into hash functions, differences to the cryptographic algorithms and why they are so useful.

SEO in social media
Many people still do not understand about SEO and site indexing, especially when related to social media engagement, so today we are going to cover this topic to help anyone who wants to have better engagement with their publications.

Cluster vs Worker Threads
There is a lot of discussions about the Cluster and Worker Threads modules in Node.js, but what are they after all? Are they the same? Similar? How do they work? We are going to answer all those questions with this article.

Building charts in React Native
It was always a challenge to build charts in React Native, today I will show you how to do it in a easy way using a library that builds the charts using an svg approach.

Automating commit message patterns with @commitlint/cli
Commit messages pattern can really improve your repository organization, observation and standards, today we will learn how to implement them the right (and automated) way.

Explaining hoisting in Javascript
Hoisting is a big doubt among developers, those who does not understand this concept are always wondering why some part of their code is not working. Today we are going to learn what is hoisting and how to avoid it (or use it consciously).